Excessive sweating usually manifests in the armpits, hands, and feet, and can often include all of the human body. It is disturbing to the person with the ailment. It’s officially named Hyperhidrosis. Botox injections are the most secure, simple and effective treatment option for excessive sweating. This injection is used to take control of the excessive sweating. The process takes only 10 minutes and is painless. The results begin after 3 days and can be continued for 8 months, depending on the person. This injection can be repeated when the results wear off.
Fillers can be used in removal of facial wrinkles, which are formed from Hyaluronyc acid. Hyaluronic acid is used to treat wrinkles.
Aesthetic nose surgery is an operation that is undergone with general anesthesia and takes a period of 1.5 hours. If the patient does not have breathing problems before the operation, then there is no need to use a buffer afterwards. One week after the surgery, the plastic mold in which the new nose was placed is removed and tape is applied. These bands are removed after three days. Following the surgery, it is not uncommon for the eyelids to bruise and swell.
This swelling and bruising subsides within an average of 5 days. The nose takes its final shape after about one year of processing.
Prominent ear correction surgery is done under local anesthesia and lasts up to 1.5 hours. The cut is made behind the ear, and for that reason is not very noticeable. Process: 2nd and 7th day after the surgery, patients must come back for controls. With this in mind, patients coming from abroad should make accommodations for at least one week.
To make lips fuller is possible in two ways. First, ready-made filling materials can be applied right in our own office setting. Exposure time is around 6-12 months. Another method of lip augmentation is the injections of oil taken from the patient’s own body and put into the lips. 30% of the injected fat remains in the lips for the lifetime of the patient. Process: The patient can return home immediately after the procedure. If the operation were made with ready filler material, the patient’s lips remain swollen for 2 day. In case of the operation made with the patient’s fat, swelling remains for 15 days.
The thinnest skin of our body is the eyelids. Therefore, the effect of aging usually first shows itself in this area. Eyelid surgery is done under local anesthesia and lasts up to 20 – 40 min. The redundancies of skin and fatty tissue are removed, and the incisions are closed with aesthetic sutures. Eyelids may remain bruised for up to 4 days after surgery. The patient can bathe 2 days after surgery. On the third day, the bruises can be covered using make up. The patient goes home immediately after surgery. Process: For patients coming from outside the city, they can make arrangements to return home three days after surgery.
At our eye disease clinic, the first step is always for the
doctor to listen to the patient’s complaints. According to
these complaints, the doctor conducts a routine eye exa-
mination, including observation of the external appearan-
ce of eyebrows, eyelids, and eye positioning. Using the
auto refractometer and retinoscope devices, our doctors
then measure the patient’s refractive error. During the slit
lamp examination, the eyelashes, conjunctiva, cornea
and other anterior eye segment elements of reputation
are carefully examined. Finally, the eye’s blood pressure
is measured.
Images of objects and light become a point of vision on the retina by breaking through a transparent lens layer of the eye, called the cornea. In the normal eye, sharp images are seen due to the reflection of external light rays on the cornea and lens, straight down the vision center.
The most important symptoms of refractive error are visual
disturbances, eye pain and illness. The names of refractive
disorders are: nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness
(hyperopia), horizontal or vertical eye breaker differences
(astigmatism) and sightedness due to age-related disorders (presbyopia.)
Glaucoma occurs as a result of elevated intraocular pres-
sure, which is eventuated from congested channels that
drain intraocular fluid. High eye pressure damages and
chills the optic nerve. Glaucoma is a disease that does not
have any symptoms, but progresses insidiously and can
cause sudden blindness. Regular medical examination is
the best way to detect and protect against glaucoma.
An easy way to monitor and control children’s eyes is by
using pediatric auto refractometer. All that this procedu-
re requires is a quick look into a disk of light just meters
away. It is important and necessary to do routine eye
examinations of newborns and children ages one to three,
especially for those children who come from a family with
known eye disorders.
Strabismus disease is the deterioration of the parallel status of the eye when looking at a single point. The causes
of strabismus are: failure to use glasses when needed,
abnormality in the muscles that move the eye, congenital
and neurological problems.
Slip patterns:
Inward shift (esotropia)
Outward shift (eksotropia)
Sliding Down (hipotropya)
Slip up (hipotropya)
Strabismus treatment aims to increase sight, correct double vision, control provisions of eye movement, and remove
aesthetic complaints. Strabismus is treated by surgical
Retina is a light sensitive layer that lines the interior
of the eye. It is composed of light sensitive cells known
as rods and cones. The human eye contains about 125
million rods, which are necessary for seeing in dim light.
Cones, on the other hand, function best in bright light -
there are between 6 and 7 million in the eye. Cones are
essential for perceiving sharp, accurate images and they
can also distinguish colors. The retina works much in the
same way as film in a camera.
Cataracts are a disorder of the eye, characterized by loss of transparency, blurring and gray coloring of the lens. Once the lens becomes blurred, the visual quality of the eye deteriorates due to the blockage of light penetration.
Cataracts are a disorder of the eye, characterized by loss of transparency, blurring and gray coloring of the lens. Once the lens becomes blurred, the visual quality of the eye deteriorates due to the blockage of light penetration. The senile cataract is the commonest form of cataracts. However, in some cases, intra-uterine infections may result in congenital cataracts in infants. Though not a constant rule, cataracts typically appear gradually and progressively.
Patients with cataracts suffer from blurry vision, double vision, darkness and color imperceptions.
Cataract surgery is suggested when the conditions of visual disorder hinder the daily life of the patient. If catara- cts are discovered in infants and babies, surgery should be completed as soon as possible to avoid disturbance in vision.
First, the eye is locally anesthetized with drops. Next, the lens containing the cataract is split into pieces by ultrasound power and then these pieces are removed using special probes 1 mm in size. This method is called ‘phacoemulsification’. The next step in the procedure is the inserting of artificial intraocular lens implants. There is no need to use stitches because the entire procedure is done through very small incisions on cornea. The quality of the lens, which is implanted within the eye, is vital, thus, our medical facility use only the best FDA approved intraocular materials.
The contemporary treatment for refraction disorders, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, is LASIK. This operation is performed in three steps, ‘flap creation’, ‘laser remodeling’, and ‘repositioning of flap’. The main content of the operation is to remodel the corneal stroma. The laser vaporizes tissue in a finely controlled manner without damaging the adjacent stroma. Performing the laser ablations on the deeper corneal stroma typically provides rapid visual recovery and less pain.
Leukemia is a cancer of the blood that affects the blood product system. Leukemia is classified as acute or chronic according to propagation and development of the tumor.
Generally, acute leukemia is the most common type of leukemia found among young children, while chronic leukemia is the most common type found among adults.
Acute leukemia is divided into 2 main groups according to the cell type: ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) and AML (acute myeloblastic leukemia).
Chronic leukemia is also divided into 2 main groups according to the cell type: CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) and CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia).
These groups are also further subdivided.
The code change of the main cells in the bone marrow, where the blood cells develop from, is called BLAST. These cells spread rapidly and hold the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, brain and central nervous system.
- Fever and weakness - Anemia - Swelling of the lymph nodes - Pain in the bones or joints
- Bleeding or bruising easily (purplish patches in the skin, or tiny red spots under the skin).
- Nosebleeds and bleeding gums - Weight loss
Before the bone marrow transplantation,
there is a process of collecting the main stem cells from patient or donor and
giving them to the patient with leukemia. Bone marrow transplants can be
performed on patients who suffer from leukemia, lymphoma and some other forms
of cancer, when other treatments fail to produce results.
Sometimes very high doses of
chemotherapy are given over the course of many days in conjunction with radiotherapy. High dose therapy damages the bone morrow and cell system. For that
reason, immediately following the high dose therapy application, the patient is
grafted his own stem cells (autologous treatment) or donor’s stem cells
(allogeneic transplant).
Organ Transplantation Unit, which contains 40 patient beds, has been rendering
organ transplantation services since 21th of November 2008. 110 Transplan-
tations have been completed in the very short time of just two two months. In
2009, the world record was broken by the Organ Transplantation Unit of Hospital
Complex, with a total of 500 kidney transplants and a 99.6% success rate. The
516 kidney transplants performed by the Hospital Complex in 2010 broke its
own record.
achievements of organ transplantation is not a coincidence. The transport
activities are performed by an excellent team, featured not only in Turkey, but
also at the international platform. Our organ
transplantation team has also received recognition for their scientific works
at the international platform.
transplantation is the movement of an organ between two bodies. The goal is to
replace the impaired organ with a healthy one.
Which organs can be transplanted?
Heart, liver, lung, intestine,
pancreas, bone marrow, cornea, and in particular, kidneys can be transplanted.
and livers can be transplanted from a live donor. For this process, the most
important factor is that there must be a relation between the donor and
recipient. Only some organs, such as the heart, can be transplanted from
cadavers (deceased bodies). Up to 40,000 patients with kidney failure have to
undergo dialysis. Most of these patients are between the ages of 20 to 40.
These patients receive dialysis treatment 3 days a week for 4 hours. For this
reason, they have very restricted social lives.
patient who undergoes an organ transplant can be relieved from dialysis and has
the chance to enhance their life time three-fold.
transplantation significantly increases the life time of the patient and
improves their quality of life. Additio- nally, organ transplantation decreases
treatment costs.
the first meeting with the coordinator of the organ transplantation unit, the
patient’s documents are assessed. If the required documents are whole and
complete, the routine laboratory and radiology tests are studied and
consultations are done by some specialists. This analysis and consultations
take about 3 days. The operation is planned according to the tests’ results.
recipient and donor are taken to the operating room simultaneously. The
operation is performed in two sepa- rate operating rooms but still at the same
time. The donor is taken to the patient’s ward after 3 hours; the recipient is
taken after 5 hours.
the evening of the day of surgery, both patients are mobilized. The donor is
discharged on the 3rd day and recipient on the 6th.
Oxygen and nutrients are very important
to protect the vitality of organs in our bodies. Oxygen and nutrients are
transported to the organs through arterial blood. Blood is pumped by the heart
to the arteries. Nutrition is necessary for heart function. Vessels that supply
the heart with blood are named coronary arteries. In the case of illness, the
heart’s arteries cannot do its function, resulting in failure of oxygen and
nutrition transportation to the body’s organs.
Risk factors are as follows;
- Age and gender
- Personal
and family history
- Smoking
- Hypertension
- Diabete
- High
- Obesity
The coronary angiography application is used mostly through the right groin artery (sometimes the arm) to reach vessels of the heart. To enter the femoral artery, the groin area is first numbed with a needle. After that, a plastic sheath is placed into the vessel. During this process, the patient may sometimes experience slight pain. During the next section of the procedure, the patient does not feel anything.
Operation takes 12-20 minutes. During the process when a catheter is applied, operation takes 30-45 minutes.
The coronary angiography application is
used mostly through the right groin artery (sometimes the arm) to reach vessels
of the heart. To enter the femoral artery, the groin area is first numbed with
a needle. After that, a plastic sheath is placed into the vessel. During this
process, the patient may sometimes experience slight pain. During the next
section of the procedure, the patient does not feel anything.
Operation takes 12-20 minutes. During
the process when a catheter is applied, operation takes 30-45 minutes.
As all medical procedures, there are
some risks associa- ted with coronary angiographies.
Within 24 hours after discharge from the
hospital, the patient must not use force. After 24 hours, the patient can
remove the bandage from the operation area and may take a bath. Sometimes the
insertion site may have bruises and hardness caused from infiltration of
blood under the skin.
After a few weeks, the bruises should
fully pass. If the operation area continues to swell or if the patient suffers
severe pain, he or she should immediately go to the hospital.
What are the possible treatments
following coronary angiography?
coronary angiography, cardiology expert doctors will inform the patient about
the suggested treatment and will give a report showing the results of
application. In case of coronary artery stenosis, according to the severity of
tigh- tness and the patient’s clinical status, there can be three methods of
- Drug treatment.
- Catheter-based applications. Balloon
angioplasty or stent applications. Immediately after the coronary angi- ography
process and following new process session, the patient can be operated on
without anesthesia.
- Coronary bypass: Coronary bypass is a
surgical procedure performed to relieve angina and reduce the risk of death
from coronary artery diseases. Arteries or veins from elsewhere in the
patient’s body are grafted to the coronary arteries to bypass atherosclerotic
narrowings and improve the blood supply to the coronary circulation supplying
the myocardium (heart muscle). This surgery is usually performed with the heart
stopped, necessitating the usage of cardiopulmonary bypass.
Cells, which are the building blocks of the body, form tissue. These tissues form organs. In this cycle, cancer starts during the phase of cell collection in tissue formation not during the forming phase of tissues into organs. Normally, cells form according to the needs of the body. After that recognition, they grow, divide and give rise to newly required cells. In old age, cells die and are replaced by newer ones.
Sometimes this cycle fails. This failure is outside the control of the body, as the body either needs more cells or old cells do not die when they should. This uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells is called a tumor mass. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant types of cancer can be seriously life-threatening. Sometimes they may recrudesce even after being removed from the body, or they may spread to neighboring or distant organs.
Using three methods of oncology (surgical oncology, medical oncology (chemotherapy) and radiotherapy treat- ment and monitoring,) patients can be closely tracked and monitored. Surgical oncology is a very effective methodin diagnosing the disease and usually results in removalof the present tumor from the patient’s body. After the surgical treatment, or in the case when the tumor spreads to more organs, the second stage of treatment is medical therapy (chemotherapy). The third stage of treatment is radiotherapy.
The factors that cause the cancer are different. According to experts and specialist doctors in the field of onco- logy, the most important factors that cause cancer are as follows:
Genetic factors. External factors (%85) such as: smoking, alcohol, chemi- cal substances, radiation, some infections, unhealthy nut- rition, air pollution, less movement and being overweight. . Internal tfactors (%15) such as: hereditary causes, changes, immune deficiencies, endocrine and metabolic disorders.
Cancer treatment is a group of complex and difficult appli- cations, for that reason, it must be undergone at the most professionalized centers and executed by the most expert doctors in the field.
CANCER TYPES- Lung cancer - Non-small cell lung cancer - Small cell lung cancer - Risk Factors for lung - Colon - Breast can- cer - OvarianThere are some more types of ovarian cancer. The most common type is epithelial ovarian cancer. Other types are very rare.
Uterine cancer occurs due to the uncontrolled proliferation of cells to the endometrial layer. Cancer cells can reach remote regions of the body or surrounding organs through lymph nodes through blood flow. A rare tumor of the uteri- ne is called a sarcoma. These tumors are composed at the muscle layer in the uterus.
Our gynecology and obstetrics clinic
offer services
like: general diagnosis and treatment of obstetrics and
gynecology issues, menopause and osteoporosis treatment, monitoring of both
risky and normal pregnancies, diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic cancers,
IVF treatment.
At our clinic, we provide different
services, such as: diagnosis and treatment of all health problems for women of
all ages, from adolescence to menopause, routine checkup applications for preventative
medicine, and more.
Through ultrasound examinations,
pap smear tests, colposcopy and routine gynecology checkups, we provide
diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of most di- seases caused from different
inflictions like groin pain, menstrual irregularity and the early diagnosis of
gyne- cologic cancers.
Our hospital’s expert doctors and
nursing staff offer babies and parents all the care needed during this time of new beginning with a sense of compassion and exper-
tise. Expert gynecology and obstetrics doctors as well
as pediatric experts provide newborns with the perfect
treatment and care after birth, in addition to the prenatal
Our gynecology and obstetrics clinic
provide our patient’s treatment and care to help maintain a healthy and
comfortable menopause passing period. Our staff offers treatment to prevent osteoporosis
and various other diseases caused from the menopause period.
Our hospitals serve to complete various
medical and surgical treatments for the examination and therapy of high risk
gynecologic and reproductive system types of cancer.
Our hospital is especially specialized
in IVF (in vitro fer- tilization) treatments. We have very specialized and ex-
pert staff who realize successful IVF pregnancies using microinjection, embryo
freezing, and surgical sperm search treatment methods.
Painless normal birth is realized using
epidural analgesia method.
Thanks to the power of today’s IVF technology, it is not
a miracle now for families who have had difficulty having
a baby to have one!
Our IVF centers use advanced devices to complete
detailed tests and investigations regarding the inability
of families to conceive. Following this evaluation, we
help our families solve the problems through necessary
interventions. Using all possibilities offered through mo-
dern medicine, we provide assistance for families having
a baby.
We have a large staff of gynecologists, embryologists,
specialists in medical genetics, urology specialists, ps-
ychologists, nurses and biologists who serve to provide
the family a successful treatment. Our team uses the
newest treatments that are applied at in vitro fertilization
centers throughout the world by the most elite IVF specialists. We await you at our IVF Center to perform this
special miracle.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which egg cells
are fertilized by sperm outside the body-namely, in vitro. IVF is a major treatment in fertility when other metho-
ds of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The
process involves hormonally controlling the ovulatory
process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman’s ovaries
and letting sperm fertilize them in a fluid medium. The
fertilized egg (zygote) is then transferred to the patient’s
uterus with the intent to establish a successful pregnancy.
The IVF method is applied in cases such as:
Uterine ducts (tubes) in women with obstruction In cases of defective sperm function:
Extensive adhesions in the abdomen due to endomet-
riosis and treatment of disease forcing conventional
pregnancy to be impossible
- Immunological infertility
- Some hormonal disorders
- In the case of failure to achieve pregnancy through
other treatment methods
- Cause of completed but unexplained failed infertility
- Adherence with the pre-genetic diagnostic methods
- Healthy women with recurrent miscarriages in order to be selected by the method of genetic diagnosis of
- Failure of pregnancy in spite of multiple vaccination
ICSI is done as a part of IVF. Since ICSI is done in the
lab, your IVF treatment won’t seem much different than
an IVF treatment without ICSI.
As with regular IVF, you will take ovarian stimulating dru-
gs while being monitored by your doctor through blood
tests and ultrasounds. Once you have grown appropria-
tely sized follicles, you will undergo egg retrieval, where
the eggs are removed from your ovaries with a specialized, ultrasound guided needle.
Our hospital provides treatment to patients suffering from
benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, bladder
cancer and kidney cancer. Our team uses two methods to
treat such inflictions: open and closed (endoscopic and
Our hospital successfully performs the greenlight laser
treatment method, which has become a very effective
alternative treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in
recent years.
Kidney cancer (adenocarcinoma) is a type of cancer that
develops in cells lining glandular types of internal organs
such as the kidney. Substances in the blood are filtered
from about 1 million tiny filters in the kidney. This fluid is
re-absorbed by the body, passing through the small channels in the kidney. More ingredients are excreted and this
creates urine, which is clearly laid out. Urine enters the
pelvis through the small collecting pools in the kidney and
is then transmitted to the bladder for storage in the ureter
for a period of time. Adenocarcinoma (kidney cancer) is
caused from small tubes of urine (tubule). Smoking and
excessive use of pain relievers increase the risk of kidney
Kidney stones are a resultant of crystallization of the chemical salts and their combination in the urinary tract. It is
often difficult for patients to pass stones bigger than 2 cm
from the kidney through urinary tract. In these cases, the
stones are broken using the ESWL stone breaker devices.
The most important tasks of the kidney are to remove
bodily waste material and excess salts produced in urine,
while at the same time filtering the blood. The urine formed by the kidney comes from gradually enlarged collec-
ting channels within the kidney and is passed to the renal
pelvis. From here, urine is transmitted to the ureter and
urinary bladder to be stored for a period of time.
Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor caused by the forma-
tion of cells from the bladder’s wall tissues. In the bladder,
three types of malignant tumor may develop:
- Uroepithelial carcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
What is neurogenic bladder?
Neurogenic bladder is named for the loss of normal blad-
der functions caused by a section in the nervous system,
trauma, infection, surgery birth, etc. Main risk factors for
the development of neurogenic bladder include: spinal
birth defect, tumoral spinal cord, traumatic spinal cord
injury, etc.
The prostate is the given name for a small gland located
below the bladder in men. The normal weight of the pros-
tate is approximately 18-20 grams. The prostate gland is present only in males and surrounds the urethra outlet
bladder. There are two urinary retention defects common
in men: internal and external.
Following the physical examination, the orthopedic surgeon decides on a specific course of action, especially
regarding the type of implant necessary for the patient.
Prior to surgery, the patient also consults with the anesthesia doctor, who provides information regarding the
narcosis, anesthesia and operation process. Following
these consultations, the necessary routine laboratory
tests, including ECG and lung analysis, are undergone.
After the completion of this process, the patient is taken
to the room for the rest. The operation is planned for a
day later.
After a day of resting, the patient is taken to the operation room by our facilities’ nurses. In the preparation area
of the operating room, sedatives (soothing drugs) are
given and soon the patient is taken into surgery. Application of anesthesia is done within the operating room
at the beginning of the surgical process. The operation
takes approximately between 2 to 3 hours.
After the surgery the patient is taken to the patient’s
ward for recovery. Within just two days, the patient regains mobility. The patient can put weight onto his/her feet
while walking; such walking and moving is encouraged
with the assistance of the physical therapist. After four
post-operative days, the patient is discharged, granted
there are no unexpected circumstances.
The patient has to get refreshed wound dressings every
other day. On the 14th day, the sutures are removed.
The physical and rehabilitation center of our hospital offers
patient’s services that are 100% current with the appropriate ethical and international standards.
Our center consists of examination rooms, physiotherapy
and exercise rooms, all of which are equipped with the
latest system devices. Our professional and expert physiotherapists use these facilities to offer patients the best in
clinical and intensive care services.
Our staff applies the most modern rehabilitation and treatment techniques and methods to increase the patient’s
independent motion potential and gain maximum mobility.
Our team also works to realize pain elimination.
Our center provides patients with services like: rehabilitation of sports injuries, rehabilitation after fracture, rehabilitation after surgery on meniscus, and rehabilitation of
patients who have undergone prosthetic surgery.
In addition to these services, our center offers treatment
based on the protocols of international physiotherapy.
These treatments include: rehabilitation of muscular diseases, prevention of joint problems, opening of joint limitation, treatment of back and neck pain, and rehabilitation of
rheumatic diseases.
In regards to the field of neurological rehabilitation, our
center offer services like: treatment of muscle, tendon
and nerve injuries; rehabilitation of patients with full or
partial paralysis, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation of osteoporosis and degenerative joint diseases, treatment of
curvature of the spine (scoliosis), respiratory rehabilitation, rehabilitation after microsurgery application for hand
injuries, obstetric and urogynecologic physical therapy
(especially for women,) treatment of intraarticular infection, neural therapy, and pain management with meso therapy.
The treatments for ear, nose, and throat take place only
after lab, radiological and audio tests are completed.
Our operating rooms are equipped with all the necessary
equipment to provide the utmost comfort to our patients
while contributing to a successful surgical process.
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement and
is used in prosthetic dentistry to support restorations that
resemble teeth or groups of teeth. In daily language, dental
implants are known as screwed dental implants or tooth
implantations. Traditional crown, dental bridged and plate
prosthesis is the most trusted and functional kinds of alter-native dental implant treatments.
There is no age restriction on who can receive dental implants, just as long as the patient’s general health condition
is good. The implants may not be preferably applied to
young adults whose bone and jaw development has not
been fully completed yet.
In the case of classic bridge prosthesis, the healthy teeth
near the blank are 14 cut.
In this case, prosthesis provides more aesthetic and
functional consequences by placing only an implant to
relieve the other teeth
The patients who have lost all their teeth on the lower
jaw and have prosthesis often complain of continual
aching and not being able to chewing as a consequence
of the prosthesis movement. This complaint fades over
a longer length of time with the dissolving of the bone
For these patients who undergo implant treatment, the
pains that they often complain about are eliminated with
the dissolving of the bone.
The process aims to treat diseases in which overhang of
soft vein-nerve (dental pulp) takes place in the tooth.
At the time of surgery, the teeth infected with dental pulp
were probably removed years ago. With the help of den-
tal implantations, it is possible to put this kinds of teeth
back into the mouth.
FILLS/COMPOSITE(in teeth color), AMALGAM(metal)
When choosing materials for teeth filling, the physician
takes into consideration the chewing pressure on the
back of the teeth, the aesthetic and endurance on the
front teeth, the patient’s claims, and the material lost as
a result of cavities on the teeth.
Our specialization
area is the treatment of diseases like fungus, acne, and allergic eczema. Our
Medical Beauty Center, Clinique, which is part of Bursa and Fatih Medical
Hospitals’ Complexes, offers microsurgical and cosmetic application services.
Clinical Scope:
- Fungal diseases
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Hair and nail
- Syphilis
- Skin Cancer
- Birthmarks
- Hair loss
- Drug allergies
- Teenage acne
- Genetic skin
- Healthy skin care
Treatment of acne and seborrhea
- Oily skin, dandruff and pimple treatment
Treatment of hair disorders and hair growth
- Investigation about
causes and treatment of hair loss
- Male pattern hair
loss treatment
- Hair, treatment of
fungal diseases and Pelat
- Investigation about
causes of excessive hair growth
- Laser hair removal
Treatment of Fungal Skin Infections
Our dermatology center,
Clinique, gives information to the patient about treatment and suggested
protective measures for diagnosis of body, groin and foot fungal diseases.
Nail Disease Treatments
We offer services for
treatments of diseases like: nail fungus, breakage of the nail, thickening of
the nail, ingrown toenail and other various nail conditions.
Treatment of Allergic Skin Diseases
- Our dermatology
center, Clinique, offers services regarding the investigation and treatment of
- We offer you treatment
for drug rashes.
- Dermatologic staff
offers you services for the treatment of insect bites.
- We offer treatment for child and infant
patients with cases of atopic eczema.
- Contact allergies
(contact dermatitis) treatment.
- Our staff offers you
services for allergies caused by cosmetic products.
- We offer services
for protection and treatment for sun related allergies.
- We have treatment
services for oral diseases.
. Our staff offers you
treatment for different diseases like: Behcet , aphthous ulcers, fungus of
language, etc.
Treatment of Parasitic Diseases of the Skin
- We offer you
treatment for head lice, body lice and scabies.
Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Treatment of all skin
diseases sexually transmitted.
Treatment of syphilis
Treatment of genital
warts and herpes
Treatment of Skin Cancer
We give patients
information and advice regarding skin cancers.
Melanoma treatment and
Other Skin Diseases
Treatment of Psoriasis
We offer treatment of
skin diseases, even during pregnancy and childhood stages.
Our staff offers you
the treatment of bullous skin.
We give you services regarding
the treatment of abscesses and other inflammatory skin diseases.
Our Clinique center
offers you services for treatment of diseases like: scarlatina, rubeola,
rubella, chickenpox, shingles etc.
Hair Loss can also be described as the regeneration of hair itself. Normal hair loss is daily around 80-100 strands. The loss exceeding this amount is not normal and needs to be treated. Despite the medical treatments, in cases where hair loss continues the sole and definite solution is the hair transplantation which is a surgical method.
The lotions and shampoos having contents of minoxidil is the sole medicine the impact of which was proved. Methods apart from that are not proved by the data of the positive sciences. Thus there are no suggestions of treatment methods for the hair losses exceptionally caused by factors concerning the metabolism.
It is the process of resect of hair roots from a coded area on the neck, between two ears which has not started yet start Losing hair, and their transplantation to the area where Loss takes place by appropriate methods. These are:
The most common technique used in the most advanced and developed hair transplantation clinics of the world is the Follicular Unit Transplantation. In this method, the hairy skin removed from the healthy area upon the neck, without disrupting their natural states under microscopes, it is separated into groups, single, double triple groups and is transplanted on the loose or completely bold area. The area on the neck from which the hair is taken is stitched in accordance with the plastic and reconstructive surgery methods. In this manner, the stitch scar behind is reduced to minimum and it could be seen only when the hair is completely buzzed.
In the phase of the plantation (hair transplantation] of the hair groups prepared, array, the hair line to be applied and the conformity of hair with the direction of the existing hair can only be designed by an expert who had experience foryears on this matter. The difference between hair transplantation which seem natural and that seem ugly has got to do with the artistic talent of the hands of the expert who performs the process.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method is the transportation of hair roots individually taken strands from various parts of body or neck by fine-lead needles to the loose or totally bold areas. Since there are not any stitches there are not stitch scars. There are no differences between properly applied FUT or FUE methods in terms of results. If the hair line is prepared properly and the directionality is conducted properly, results of both methods seem natural.
In some patients there is a need for both applications of (FUT) and (FUE) simultaneously. This process is called Mega Session. The purpose of this process is to acquire the possible maximum amount of hair root.
Specially designed stereotactic helmet, one key component of Leksell Gamma Knife device, enables your surgeon identify the tumor or diseases area a “pinpoint” precision. This helmet is placed on and fixed to your head using four small screws and it ensures that beams are precisely delivered to the target. This helmet completely immobilizes your head during the procedure and accordingly, beams are precisely focused on the target area in your brain.
A series of advanced imaging study, such as MRI or CT, will be required in order to precisely determine size, shape and location of the tumor, lesion or abnormality, while helmet is on the head of the patient. Angiogram may be also necessary, if your physician treats a vascular abnormality. Angiogram includes intravenous administration of an opaque substance and therefore, imaging study will clearly show cerebral veins and arteries. Coordinates on the helmet form a part of images, which will be used by your neurosurgeon to make a precise plan for the procedure.
Treatment planning
After images are recorded, you may sleep, rest or relax, while your physician develops a specific treatment plan for you. First, images are processed in the computer. Next, a treatment protocol will be planned using Leksell Gamma Knife 3D planning software.
There is no single treatment, which fits all patients; treatment is planned specifically for each patient, taking into consideration special condition of the patient. Leksell Gamma Knife includes a specific helmet set, which has 201 holes in order to precisely deliver radiation beams to the brain, and your treatment will be comprised of one or more than one therapy sessions.
When treatment plan is completed, you will be placed on treatment table and your head will be placed in the stereotactic frame for your first therapy. You will be wake during the procedure and you will have audiovisual communication with Leksell Gamma Knife team. When Gamma Knife radiosurgery is started, dome of the treatment table will move, which is substantially similar to the table of MRI or CT device.
The team will continuously monitor the procedure. You may receive more than one therapy, each taking 2 to 45 minutes, during Leksell Gamma Knife session.
Return to normal life
Helmet will be removed, when your treatment is completed. If angiogram is scanned, you should lie calm for further several hours. Some patients may experience minimal headache or minimal swelling at the localization, where helmet is fixed; however, most patients did not report any problem. Your doctor will notify you whether you will stay at hospital or you will be discharged to home. In each case, you may return your work or ordinary daily life in next day.
You will notice effects of Gamma Knife therapy in the course of time. Gamma Knife therapy is designed to stop expansion of tumors or lesions, or in other words, tumor or lesion may not immediately disappear and it will shrink within weeks or months. Your physician and Gamma Knife team will regularly contact you in order to evaluate prognosis and this follow-up evaluation includes MRI or CT scans in near future and at regular intervals.