Cells, which are the building blocks of the body, form tissue. These tissues form organs. In this cycle, cancer starts during the phase of cell collection in tissue formation not during the forming phase of tissues into organs. Normally, cells form according to the needs of the body. After that recognition, they grow, divide and give rise to newly required cells. In old age, cells die and are replaced by newer ones.
Sometimes this cycle fails. This failure is outside the control of the body, as the body either needs more cells or old cells do not die when they should. This uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells is called a tumor mass. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant types of cancer can be seriously life-threatening. Sometimes they may recrudesce even after being removed from the body, or they may spread to neighboring or distant organs.
Using three methods of oncology (surgical oncology, medical oncology (chemotherapy) and radiotherapy treat- ment and monitoring,) patients can be closely tracked and monitored. Surgical oncology is a very effective methodin diagnosing the disease and usually results in removalof the present tumor from the patient’s body. After the surgical treatment, or in the case when the tumor spreads to more organs, the second stage of treatment is medical therapy (chemotherapy). The third stage of treatment is radiotherapy.
The factors that cause the cancer are different. According to experts and specialist doctors in the field of onco- logy, the most important factors that cause cancer are as follows:
Genetic factors. External factors (%85) such as: smoking, alcohol, chemi- cal substances, radiation, some infections, unhealthy nut- rition, air pollution, less movement and being overweight. . Internal tfactors (%15) such as: hereditary causes, changes, immune deficiencies, endocrine and metabolic disorders.
Cancer treatment is a group of complex and difficult appli- cations, for that reason, it must be undergone at the most professionalized centers and executed by the most expert doctors in the field.
CANCER TYPES- Lung cancer - Non-small cell lung cancer - Small cell lung cancer - Risk Factors for lung - Colon - Breast can- cer - OvarianThere are some more types of ovarian cancer. The most common type is epithelial ovarian cancer. Other types are very rare.
Uterine cancer occurs due to the uncontrolled proliferation of cells to the endometrial layer. Cancer cells can reach remote regions of the body or surrounding organs through lymph nodes through blood flow. A rare tumor of the uteri- ne is called a sarcoma. These tumors are composed at the muscle layer in the uterus.
Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with medicaments against tumors. This is a very important part of tumor therapy in addition to surgery and radiation therapies. Chemotherapy treatment aims to kill tumor cells or control their growth. Sometimes just one or several drugs are given in various ways during this treatment. Side effects and mechanisms of action are different for each drug.
Radiotherapy is the oldest and most effective treatment method for cancer, and it constitutes high energy x-rays, electron beams and radioactive isotopes. It aims to kill cancer cells and to shrink tumors.
This is the improved version of three dimensional confor- mal radiotherapy (3D-CRT).
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